Risk Assessment & CommunicationFoxfire Scientific has a broad range of experience in risk assessment and communication of risks concerning radiation and chemical exposures. We have conducted dose and risk assessments for a variety of exposure scenarios including risk to an individual from occupational exposure, risk to off-site members of the public, and risk from long-term environmental contamination. We provide public speaking, as well as other forms of assistance for public and stakeholder meetings and for support of technical document development. The objective is to communicate and inform interested and/or impacted parties about the contextual meaning of estimated risks in understandable language.

We routinely provide risk communications to workers through a variety of our training and education programs, and strive to provide the most up-to-date, scientifically sound information available.

Through these experiences we have developed capabilities to:

  • Perform retrospective and prospective dose assessments and communicate the findings
  • Conduct atmospheric modeling and environmental transport analysis
  • Perform accident analysis to determine credible accident scenarios
  • Model and evaluate routine, non-routine and accidental releases
  • Conduct planning, oversight, and review of Superfund site environmental remediation projects.

For risk communication in the concerned public and legislative arenas, Foxfire Scientific, Inc. staff members have considerable experience presenting technical information to a variety of non-technical audiences. This experience ranges from teaching high school science teachers about radiation sources, effects, and uses, to presenting the results of public dose assessments at public meetings under adversarial conditions.

It is our belief that even the best science in the world is of no use if its meaning and true impact cannot be effectively communicated. To this end, in any study we perform we always strive to make sure the results are presented (whether written or oral), in a clear, concise and readily understandable manner. Our past risk communication activities have also included expert witness written reports and testimony at both deposition and trial, as well as legislative testimony, and explanation of radiation effects and risks at Superfund site Public and Technical Working Group meetings.

Coming Soon
  • Medical Physics

    In a world where technologies are constantly evolving and maturing it is important to have a relationship with experienced physicists…
  • Health Physics & Radiation Protection

    The Foxfire Scientific staff includes health physicists with extensive experience in all aspects of health physics and radiation protections including…
  • Environmental Assessment

    Foxfire Scientific has participated in a number of environmental assessment and remediation projects for a wide range of sites and…
  • Risk Assessment & Communication

    Foxfire Scientific has a broad range of experience in risk assessment and communication of risks concerning radiation and chemical exposures. We…
  • Training & Education

    Education is always the first step toward success in any field. At Foxfire Scientific, we believe that to be effective leaders…
  • Radioactive & Mixed Waste Management

    Foxfire Scientific, Inc. offers a wide array of radioactive waste management services. Our staff has experience in all aspects of a…
  • Litigation Support

    We view litigation support as an important part of being responsible health physicists. We believe it is important for there…